The Inspectorate of Factory, Assam was established in the year 1929 under the administrative control of the Chief Inspector of the royal Govt. of Assam and The Factories Act enacted in the year 1922 was first introduced in the state. The purpose was to implement the provisions of the Act to ensure safety and health of the working class in various factories like tea factory, wood working factory etc. and more importantly the first refinery of India at Digboi. There had been continuous thrust for improving the legislation through amendments of the Act to suit the need of growing industrial activities. The Factories Act,1948 was enacted by the parliament in independent India to consolidate and amend the law regulating labour in factories extending to the whole of India and came into force on the 1st. day of April, 1949. The Inspectorate of Factories under the administrative control of the Labour and Employment, Govt. of Assam was first included in the Plan Scheme of the 7th. Five Year Plan in the year 1985. The three major schemes were –
i)Strengthening of Inspectorate of Factories
ii)Establishment of Industrial Hygiene Laboratory, and
iii)Setting up of special Safety Cell.
New offices had been opened both Zonal and District basis at select places and new posts had been created in order to ensure efficient and effective service delivery at actual places of work with coordination of the Chief Inspectorate.